Thanks to everyone who supports the Hub – there are many ways to give!

  • Become a member

  • Make a one-time gift

  • Make a pledge or series of payments over several months or years

  • Buy a Commemorative Brick! You can become a permanent fixture at the HUB on an engraved paving stone in the HUB’s entrance ramp. Download an order form here

  • Visit Island Return-It and donate your refund


Charitable Number: 807706155RR0001

For More Information

If you have any questions about making a donation to a HUB campaign please contact us at:

Become a Member

Please apply for membership online: Cowichan Station Area Association Membership Application

  • The HUB office will provide printed applications for those inclined to apply in person. See office hours here. Please put completed hardcopy applications into the locked mailbox at the main entrance.

Individuals (16+) must apply and pay $20 for their own non-transferable membership.

  • Approved memberships expire on December 31st each year, and must be reviewed, accepted and paid for 6 weeks prior to the AGM in order to be able to vote.
  • Payment online by e-transfer is preferred but cash and cheque are also accepted after application is approved.

*Please note: This membership application will be reviewed and responded to within 30 days.

Visit Island Return-It

    Support the CSAA when you return your bottles and cans at Island Return-it! Say ‘CSAA’ before you start the count in at the counter and proceeds will go to the CSAA:

    Island Return-It, South Cowichan, 1350 Fisher Road Cobble Hill
    Island Return-It, 6476, North Cowichan, Norcross Road, Duncan

    Making Donations

    Benefits of donating:
    Support the community HUB and program delivery.
    Support renovations –  washroom block and seismic upgrades.
    Support infrastructure development such as the new septic and water systems.
    Support development of HUB as emergency preparedness & meeting location.
    New playground equipment for all community benefit.
    Outdoor spaces development: walking paths, food & bee gardens.
    New basketball and pickle ball court for public use.

    Donating online:

    You can make a one-time gift, pledge or monthly payment by clicking on the Canada Helps secure donations button below. When you donate, you can select a campaign from  the drop down list to ensure your donation is targeted.

    A tax receipt will be issued for all donations of $20 or more. To reduce administration costs, receipts for gifts under $20 will be sent only on request. Please note that credit card donations will be processed and receipts issued by Canada Helps.

    Donating in person:

    Visit us during office hours to make a donation by e-trnasfer, cash or cheque. Cheques can also be mailed to:

    Cowichan Station Area Association
    2375 Koksilah Road, Duncan, BC
    V9L 6M5