Are you interested in getting involved with the CSAA?

Volunteer with us!

There are so many ways to get involved! From one-off projects to weekly activities. You can help support local programs, events, Friday Café, HUB Community Library, HUB Film Club, construction, painting, landscaping, poster hanging and other CSAA projects. There’s a way for everyone to get involved!

If you are considering becoming a part of our awesome volunteer community, fill out our volunteer application and contact us to have chat: or call 250-746-1794.

You can view our Volunteer Manual here.

See our list of external committees here.

To know more about our volunteer-run HUB Cafe?! smile Click here for more information.

Learn more about the Koksilah Watershed Working Group our ecosystem based assessment for the Koksilah watershed.

CSAA Memberships are another way to show your support! Get a membership now!